
Online Safety

The following links may be helpful in helping keep children safe online

• Internet matters - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online


• London Grid for Learning - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online


• Net-aware - for support for parents and careers from the NSPCC


• Parent info - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online


• Thinkuknow - for advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online


 •  Online courses for parents to learn about E-Saftey


 • UK Safer Internet Centre - advice for parents and carers

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 Safeguarding Children 

 Business Card 2Business Card 1

What to do if you are concerned about a child during lockdown

Our Ethos

The child’s welfare is of paramount importance. Our school will establish and maintain an ethos where pupils feel secure, are encouraged to talk, are listened to and are safe. Children at our school will be able to talk freely to any member of staff at our school if they are worried or concerned about something.

Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. We recognise that staff at our school play a particularly important role as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating. All staff are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members must always act in the best interests of the child. Old Catton and White Woman Lane Federation

All staff and regular visitors will, through training and induction, know how to recognise indicators of concern, how to respond to a disclosure from a child and how to record and report this information. We will not make promises to any child and we will not keep secrets. Every child will know what the adult will have to do with any information they have chosen to disclose.

Throughout our curriculum we will provide activities and opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to identify risks and stay safe. This will also be extended to include material that will encourage our children to develop essential life skills.  E-Safety, PATHs, PSHE,  Assemblies,  Science,  Design Technology,  Physical Education,  Cycling Proficiency and SkillForce

 At all times we will work in partnership and endeavour to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and colleagues from other agencies in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) and Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board procedures.

Safeguarding Policy


Safeguarding Childrens - Whistleblowers Policy

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Safeguarding Quick Guide


A Guide to Technology for Parents (Social Media)

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy

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Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass has been set-up to help schools to provide support to children who have been present at incidents of domestic violence. 

Operation Encompass Background

Letter to parents May 2019

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Norfolk’s Vision

We believe that all children, young people and their families have the right to be healthy, happy and safe; to be loved, valued and respected; and to have high aspirations for their future. We also recognise that children and young people live in families and families live in communities.

Norfolk Safeguarding Children's Board 

Every Local Authority in the country has a Local Safeguarding Children Board in place to make sure that children are protected from harm and that their welfare is promoted. In Norfolk, the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board (NSCB) is made up of statutory and voluntary partners who work with families and children. We are an independent organisation and make sure that people working with children carry out their safeguarding responsibilities as required by the law.

Norfolk Threshold Guide


The 3 minute video animation to accompany the Norfolk Threshold Guide has gone live!

Take a look …

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